Honouring Our Founding Mothers
- hadsc
- Feb 12, 2022 6:56 PM
This Black History Month we honour, celebrate and recognize the founding mothers of The Hour-A-Day Study Club.
Ethel Bishop, Gladys Browning, Minnie Chickee, Irene Christian, Daisy Craven, Rachel Harding, Ardella Jacobs, Mary Lucas, Vivian Nall, Evelyn Parker, Verna Stewart, Elizabeth Washington, Edith Watkins, Hilda Watkins, Luella White
The Hour-A-Day Study Club established in 1934 enters its 88th year of #Blackwomanxcellence in #Canada. We honour the women who paved the way in advancing the cause of education for Black youth in the #WindsorEssex county community and establishing the #undergroundrailroad heritage and legacy that we vow to preserve. www.houradaystudyclub.org