
‘Uplifting’ for 87 years

Check out this Windsor Star Hour-A-Day Study Club Feature for Black History Month https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/study-club-offers-hope-to-black-youth?fbclid=IwAR2OoB64QwVjpUtVkgrPHUh89QyOQ3w7sGL09PgHYXoECEs1knGBocOXuYI

Hour-A-Day Study Club 85th Luncheon

The Hour-A-Day Study Club gathered at Ambassador Golf Club for a special luncheon to celebrate their 85th Anniversary. The club is a local heritage organization that raises scholarship and bursary funds for students pursuing post-secondary education. $15000 was given to 12 Scholarship and Bursary recipients. Dave M. Watkins gave a wonderful key note address. His …Read More